Call for papers:Twentieth-Century Wars in Italy and Autobiography
Annual Conference of the Canadian Society for Italian Studies19-21 June 2015 Sant’Anna Institute – SorrentoCall for papers:Panel: Twentieth-Century Wars in Italy and AutobiographyOrganiser: Gianluca Cinelli (Università di Roma “La Sapienza”)In the past few decades, scholars in the Humanities and Social Sciences used autobiographical sources to analyze how wars shaped local communities and economies, and how they prompted mobility and social change. This panel focuses on the Italian wars of the Twentieth Century – from the war in Lybia (1911) to NATO’s campaign in the Balkans (1996). More specifically, it seeks to explore how autobiographical sources such as memoirs, diaries, blogs and letters reflect upon the experience of war. We welcome methodological, ethical, aesthetic and interdisciplinary approaches, as well as analyses of archival documents and oral history. Papers may be in Italian, English or French. Please submit a 150-word abstract for a 20-minute paper, plus a one-page CV to be sure to include your institutional contact information. Submissions are expected no later than January 10th, 2015.