Colloque partenaire Literary tourism, University of the Algarve, Faro, 22-23/09 2023
TULE II International Conference
Literary tourism
in holiday and escape destinations
ESGHT – University of the Algarve, Faro, Portugal
22-23 September 2023
The Centre for Research on Literary Tourism (TULE), which promoted its first International Conference at the University for Foreigners of Perugia, Italy, in November 2022, is announcing its second International Conference at the Management, Hospitality and Tourism School, University of the Algarve, Portugal, on the 22nd and 23rd September 2023.
Through specific cases, the TULE II International Conference aims to examine how literary tourism has developed or is likely to create and expand leisure and escape (past and present) destinations.
Scientific Committee:
Giovanni Capecchi (University for Foreigners of Perugia, Italy), director
Elena Alexeeva (University of Voronej, Russia)
Lorenzo Bagnoli (University of Milan-Bicocca, Italy)
Rita Baleiro (University of Algarve, Portugal)
Rita Capurro (University of Milan-Bicocca, Italy)
Yannick Gouchan (University Aix-Marseille, France)
Toni Marino (University for Foreigners of Perugia, Italy)
Matteo M. Pedroni (University of Lausanne, Switzerland)
Jordi Arcos Pumarola (CETT – University of Barcelona, Spain)
Roberto Ubbidiente (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany)
Walter Zidaric (University of Nantes, France).
Organising committee at the University of the Algarve: Rita Baleiro, Ana Paula Correia & Georgette Andraz
Partners of the TULE Centre are:
- The Literary Parks.
- The Aixois Centre for Romance Studies (CAER) of Aix-Marseille University.
- The Uniser Pistoia Foundation;
- Centre for Tourism Research, Development and Innovation (CiTUR).