European Renaissance – Univ. Antonoma Madrid – 13/15 juin 2022


European Renaissance

13th-17th June 2022

University Autonomous of Madrid

School of Philosophy

Video Room 2

The CS will focus on the Renaissance Culture (XIV-XVI cent.) as a key to the

construction of a European Cultural Tradition based on the Classical

Heritage, from Petrarch to Erasmus and beyond. The School will have a strong

interdisciplinary perspective, from philosophy to religion, from literature and linguistics, to figurative arts and music; from history and historiography, to social and natural sciences.

“European Renaissance” is an interdisciplinary, cross-cultural and crossnational, research-based, pedagogy oriented, inclusive project, with a strong trans-European perspective and focus. Taking the axes and the routes of the CIVIS initiative as its point of departure, the program invites attendees to explore established and hitherto uncharted connections between

renaissance cultural traditions across Europe and the Mediterranean. The objective is to examine and emphasize the impact of transnational connections and dialogues in (re)shaping modern social and individual civic responsibility on a national, European, international, and global level.

Programa Provisional CIVIS-Madrid-2022_compressed