CFP Burning Waters, Quenching Fires – ASLE Conference
Our panel “Burning Waters, Quenching Fires” welcomes contributions that reflect on water as a material element, as a concept, and as a mode of inquiry into the world. Opening up the conference theme “Paradise on Fire” to that of water and its literal and metaphorical declinations (quenching wild fires, stopping destruction, reducing arousal), possible contributions will consider the redemptive power of water and/or reflect on the changing quantity and quality of the planet’s water supply, focus on one geographical instance (such as but not limited to Italy’s changing hydrography, the L.A. and Mississippi rivers, the city of Flint, Michigan, California’s droughts, India’s floods), an historical instance, a political one, or tackle the topic from a more creative angle (experimental literature and cinema or postmodern literature in general).Contributions from different languages and/or disciplines other than Italian are particularly welcome.ALL official submissions to this panel must be via Submittable at this link: submission deadline is December 15, 2018.The ASLE Conference will be held June 26-30, 2019, at the University of California, Davis.Thank you,